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Discussion Forums policy
The Metta.org.uk Discussion forums are
free to use and are provided as a space to offer and seek information and
assistance. However, please do not use this area to promote commercial web sites
and services. Listings are available to therapists, teachers and other
professionals here. Small short term shop window type
ads can also be placed free of charge to promote events and meetings etc
The discussion forums are NOT an
appropriate place for threats to commit suicide, hurt yourself, or
self-injury. In addition, detailed accounts of these kinds of acts are not
permitted. If you engage in this type of behaviour in the
forums, you will be immediately removed, without warning and may be reported to
your ISP.
We are concerned about your welfare, as well as the
welfare of others using the forums. Please remember that
while these services are a good space for mutual support and self-help, they
cannot take the place of your therapist or your local doctor. If you are
in danger, call your
therapist, local crisis line, 999, the
Samaritans or
a family member.
Also, please remember that, neither you, nor
we can delete your posts unless they breach the forum guidelines.
These are the rules that all users should
observe. Failure to do so may result in your loss of access to the Metta.org.uk
Community without warning. (when we set up password access).
The Metta discussion forums will not be
liable for any information you disclose in the Forums.
Personal attacks, foul language, or abusive
will not be tolerated and may be reported to your ISP. -
Flooding, flaming, spamming and advertisements of any
type, as well as the use of programs such as bots scripts, worms, or
trojan horses will NOT BE TOLERATED for any reason. Any type of
participation in this type of activity will cause you to be
permanently banned from Metta.org.uk forums. In addition, we will
report you to your ISP for possible termination of your account. -
Do not post personal information (addresses,
phone numbers, etc.) on the screen unless you are happy to have ANYONE
holding your details. This is for your protection. -
Text within the Forums should not
exceed approximately 250 words or 1500 characters.
Our most important rule is: be kind and considerate of
each other.
Many people here may be dealing with serious issues.
The Metta.org.uk discussion forums are a place for
mutual support, sharing and learning.
Sometimes the conversations can become
intense. Try and remember, you are only responsible for your behaviours and
actions. Please do not take it upon yourself to feel responsible for other
people's behaviours. If visiting or using the discussion forums is having a
negative effect on you, you can either go to another forum, or simply leave and come back
at a later time. The choice is completely up to you and it's important
to make your safety and well-being your primary concern.
Please let us know via the
Feedback Page if you see
any article text containing offensive or upsetting content.
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